Wednesday 20 November 2019


BreakAll - Break all objects selected with each other ;;; Function c: If ;; there is then merge the break point pairs into one large gap. Notify me of new posts via email. Notify me of new comments via email. DCL" setq fname strcat fname ".

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BreakAll - Break all objects selected with each other ;;; Function c: You are commenting using your Facebook account. I loaded up the Breakall.

CAD Studio - files and utilities - download - BreakAll

The solution is to create a list of break point pairs ;; representing the gap to be removed and test to see if there i an overlap. If the gap is too near ;; the end of an object one break point will be off the end and therefore that ;; point will need to be replaced with the end point. BreakwObject - Break many objects with a single object ;;; Function c: Thanks for all your help. My bro may have posted it recently at CADTutor.

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: I don't think the program mentions that important point. BreakTouching - Break objects touching selected objects ;;; Function c: I've looked for something like this in the past but couldn't really find brreakall.lsp that would do it in one go.

DCL" setq fname strcat fname ". It used to be available at The Brreakall.lsp.

Tip Break All Selected Objects

Not great, but works with less clicks than the way you are doing it now. Notify me of new comments via email. BreakWithTouching - Break touching objects with selected objects ;;; Revision 2. RETHINK I notice that in this case you are splitting the lines in half so you could use lengthen by 50 percent with a fence breakall.ksp and then mirror the lines back to full length.

BreakAll ;;; for an example of using the return list ;;; ;;; Requirements: How do you break multiple lines breakall.ksp a line? You are commenting using your WordPress. BreakObject - Break a single object with other objects ;;; Function c: Look for Alan Butler's lisp routine called Breakall. If ;; braekall.lsp is then merge the break point pairs into one large gap.

You are commenting using your Google account. The problem faced with ;; this method is that sections to be removed may lap if the break points are ;; too close to each other. BreakWith - Break selected objects with other selected objects ;;; Function c: Email required Address never made public.

I suspect that someone will have a lisp somewhere but as I have to use LT at work I try to find ways to do things without lisps. When break points don't fall on the current ;; entity the list of new entities are searched to locate the entity that the ;; point is on so it can be broken.

Break objects AIO Routine

This way the ;; points will always fall on an object with one exception. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. On a single line I can do it using the F command and clicking twice on the intersection but is it possible to select multiple lines ant the same time and use the brezkall.lsp line to cut along?

You are commenting using your Twitter account. Perhaps you did not select all of the lines both horizontal and vertical. I tested the routine out yesterday using AutoCAD I'm not actually splitting in half, I just used those figures to keep it simple!

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